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Our Vision and Values

Jesus said, ‘I have come to give life – life in all its fullness.’

(John 10:10)

Vision and Values

Our vision was created by our pupils, staff and governors, reflecting John 10:10 - ‘I have come to give life – life in all its fullness.’

As a community, we are working together to ensure educational excellence underpinned by our Christian ethos and values, enabling all to live a rich and abundant life and to achieve their full potential. Each individual should leave us fully prepared for the next stage of their life.



The Snarestone Way and Our Core Christian Values

The ‘Snarestone Way’ was created in partnership with our pupils and reflects our core Christian values.
It is a set of five ‘child-friendly’ statements that are posted around school, and are integral to school life.

I smile and say hello - FRIENDSHIP

I listen and I learn - WISDOM

I care and have respect for everyone and everything - TRUST

I have a positive attitude – HOPE

I work hard and challenge myself – ENDURANCE


To provide a caring and inclusive environment with a focus on friendship and a ‘family feel’.


For children to learn through experiences and a curriculum designed to engage and delight, ensuring curiosity, intellectual depth and teaching beyond the test.


We are privileged to take our children on a learning journey, providing them with the skills they need to develop academically, socially, personally, morally and spiritually.


To enrich the lives of all children, enabling them to succeed in their future lives in an increasingly technological, culturally diverse and fast-changing world.


For our pupils to develop independence, thinking skills, resilience and the ability to solve problems alongside learning knowledge.