Snarestone School Parliament
Snarestone Primary School Council has evolved into a School Parliament.
Our School Parliament Ethos
We want our school to be the kind of school that everyone enjoys coming to, where everyone knows and understands each other. We want it to be a cheerful place, where we look after everyone.
We want it to be a safe place where children can be trusted to be sensible, because everyone follows the class and school rules and expectations, and lives by our school values. We want everyone to be honest, have good manners and to treat people and possessions with respect.
We want to be proud of our work and try our best every day, so we do well with our learning and are the best that we can be. We will keep going when things are challenging and listen carefully to each other. We want to find out interesting and useful things about the world.
What is our School Parliament for?
The School Parliament is about:
- Working and learning together
- Learning about democracy
- Learning how to play a positive role model in our community
- Improving our school for everyone
The School Parliament’s job is to involve everyone, not do everything. Everybody needs to help by:
- Finding things that they would like to change
- Finding ways to make things better
- Putting their ideas into actions
How often does School Parliament meet?
- Each class (Class Parliament) will meet on alternate Friday afternoons (when there is no VIP Assembly) to discuss School Parliament agenda items, as well as challenging social and ethical issues. The class MSP will take notes and report back at the next School Parliament meeting.
- Class Parliament may also write a motion (an idea to discuss) to add to the next School Parliament agenda. It is the responsibility of the MSP to put forward this motion at Parliament.
- School Parliament will meet once a half-term. The MSPs from each class will go to the School Parliament meeting to put across each class’ views and to put forward any motions.
- The School Cabinet will meet once a month to discuss ideas in greater depth.
- The Head Boy and Head Girl will take it in turns to be Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Chair of Governors – part of this role will be to represent the School Parliament at Senior Leadership and Governing Board meetings.
What will the School Parliament do for our class?
When the Class Parliament share ideas or put forward a motion, class MSPs will be responsible for:
- Taking it to the next School Parliament meeting to discuss
- Telling you what is happening with your ideas
The School Parliament will try to make your idea happen. If they cannot make the idea happen, there will be clear reasons why this cannot happen.
If they can make your idea happen they will need your help to make it happen.
What will staff do for the School and Class Parliament?
- Make sure meetings happen when they are supposed to
- Ensure that there is time given for meetings
- Support pupils to run meetings and support class discussions